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Monday, May 27, 2013


I've already written about the wonderful Susana Gardner and her fabulous global and often DIY publishing project, Dusi/e -- I wrote about it while discussing one of the Dusi/e publications, FLORULA LUDOVICIANA by Marthe Reed (so please go to Marthe's link). 

Well, I recently came across a piece of correspondence from years ago from Susana Gardner -- even the envelope is fabulous, isn't it!

The envelope had brought several goodies, including this wonderful collage by Susana:

Also in the envelope, however, were four small books whose sizes make them perfect for shelving into SitWithMoi's "Books on Chairs" project! 

What a trove!  Now, three of the books were blank -- which I used as prompts for making new mini-books (I will blog in the next post about "Made With Love," a poem I inscribed into one of the books.  Over time, I also will post about the other three.  Meanwhile, THANK YOU, Susana Gardner for your beautiful spirit and Dusi/e, still one of the most innovative and creative uses of technology -- a use of technology that in no way diminishes the role of the hand in creative art-making!

(Here is another SitWithMoi post on another Dusi/e project,  ALL THIS FALLING AWAY by Tim Armentrout.)

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